About us

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Our Business

Gardiner Bros. Farms

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Gardiner Bros Farms are currently farming a total of 13,000 acres in the Caldwell District 50km west of Deniliquin. Our main focus is on growing Dry land cereal crops, predominantly Oaten Hay for Export and Domestic sales. We also source straw to be baled by us then its transported back to our sheds to be stored. We run all our own hay machinery to ensure it all gets cut and baled on time to ensure the best quality hay possible. We have a 20,000 bale storage Facility to store our 8x4x3 bales along with an onsite weighbridge, with this facility we can offer customers a 12 month spread on purchasing hay from us and knowing that the product will be as good as the day it went into storage. We run cattle and sheep in our business to utilise hay, and weed control over the summer months. Gardiner Bros run a fleet of trucks for carting hay and grain across the eastern states to get the best result for the customer. By having our own trucks we can facilitate the whole process to get hay and straw delivered on time and when the customer need it.

Sustainable Agriculture


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Adam and Peter first started farming together in 2011 starting with 1600 acres to now currently 13,000 acres along with 5 permanent staff and employing up to another 8 casuals in the busy time of hay season

We have always been involved with hay with our parents being hay growers and contractors in northern Victoria, this has helped us with building a vast knowledge on all types of hay and best practices for a quality product.